Friday, January 23, 2015

ACT Final Paper: Chapter I and Chapter II of my Thesis


1.1.       Background of the Study
Over the years, Indonesia and Thailand have enjoyed well established cooperation in various sectors, particularly in educational sector. Student exchange program, dual degree program and other undertakings regarding educational institution have been continuously conducted between the two nations. Education improvement both in quality and quantity has always been the concern of the cooperation for both countries.
One of the efforts for the quality improvement of educational institutions in both countries could be made through partnership program. Indonesia and Thailand as parts of ASEAN member countries have potential in strengthening relationship through educational cooperation program in various ways.
As stated on ASEAN official website, ASEAN views education as the vehicle to raise ASEAN awareness, inspire the “we feeling”, and create a sense of belonging to the ASEAN Community and understanding of the richness of ASEAN’s history, languages, culture and common values.
In relation to ASEAN Economic Community 2015, where all ASEAN nations will relatively have mobility in term of labors, products, services, and investments through the agreement, Indonesia and Thailand will have to pay more attention in preparing the education development especially in improving the quality and relevance of graduates to meet the challenges of an increasingly competitive world of work.
Referring to the facts mentioned above, technical vocational education and training would be the best areas to be explored for cooperation within the two countries as it provides skills acquisition. Skill is considered to be very vital to the growth of developing country’s economy, especially in this era of technological integration. It would be needed by many life sectors, not only in a modern environment, but also in agricultural and other informal sectors. It is through technical vocational education and training a more relevant graduate could be produced to meet the evolving needs of industry or employer.

1.2.       Problem Statement
This research will study the importance of building educational cooperation between Indonesia and Thailand towards the improvement of human resources quality in preparing the two nations towards ASEAN Economic Community 2015.
This research will be guided by these following research questions:
1.2.1.   How do Indonesia and Thailand communicate in conducting the educational cooperation?
1.2.2.   What are the barriers in conducting the educational cooperation in terms of communication perspectives and how do both countries manage them?
1.2.3.   How does the educational cooperation improve the quality of human resources of the two nations in preparation towards the ASEAN Economic Community 2015?

1.3.       Study Objectives
The objectives of the study are:
1.3.1.   To investigate how Indonesia and Thailand communicate in conducting the educational cooperation.
1.3.2.   To find out the barriers in conducting the educational cooperation for both nations in terms of communication perspectives and what are the solutions to the problems.
1.3.3.   To measure the effectiveness of the educational cooperation in improving the quality of human resources in preparing the two nations towards ASEAN Economic Community 2015.

1.4.       Significance of the Study
This issue would be worth studying as a feasibility study for Indonesian educational institutions in analyzing their needs in establishing, developing, as well as maintaining cooperation with other countries within the region. It also would probably be a sample for other Southeast Asian countries that share the same needs in the era of ASEAN Community 2015, where the promotion of improved standards will be prioritized, and better access to education through networking and institutional collaboration among ASEAN countries will be highlighted.
In order to build relationship with other people/institutions from other countries, one should pay attention to characteristics of people from different culture, customs, and values, as well as the best communication approach that would be suitable to deal with them. That would be considered as key success factors of the process.

1.5.       Scope and Delimitation 
This research would be limited to study about the conduct of education cooperation between Indonesia and Thailand as their preparation towards ASEAN Economic Community 2015. This would also cover the impacts as well as the effectiveness of the program.
The scope of the research would be exploring education cooperation in the areas of technical vocational education and training at the level of vocational secondary schools within the two countries.


2.1. Previous Research
Paryono (2013) in his research entitled “Mapping National and Regional TVET Initiatives in Southeast Asia and beyond in Response to Students and Labour Mobility” was exposing the fact that Southeast Asian countries are positioning Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the mainstream of education system and setting it as a priority in their education agenda. This is simply due to the fact that TVET plays an important role in the socio-economic development of a nation, not to mention that it helps a lot in preparing the current and future labour forces.  At regional and global levels, the issue of students and labour mobility are also very prevalent particularly in anticipation of full ASEAN integration in 2015.
His research was basically about the national and regional initiatives in TVET to be used as a reference and stimulate ideas and collaboration for improving TVET policies and practices. He used qualitative research as the methodology and found out these following initiatives;
1.    National initiatives
The most vital initiative is the creation of the National Qualification Framework (NQF) to be used as a means for promoting the development, implementation and facilitation of a transparent mechanism used in the assessment, certification, and recognition of skills. It requires intensive preparation and strong commitments. Even in countries that have successfully developed the framework, it does not always translate into successful implementation. Communication is required between the various Ministries, education and training providers, and industries for successful implementation.
2.    Regional initiatives
a.    East Asia Summit on TVET Quality Assurance Framework
All countries have their own way of assuring TVET Quality. The development of a Regional TVET Quality Assurance Framework will facilitate in promoting continuous improvement of TVET within the country and enhance cooperation and mutual understanding between member countries. To support this initiative, it is vital to establish a smaller TVET quality assurance, such as focusing o teacher quality standard.
b.    Regional Qualification Framework (RQF)
There have been several attempts by various organizations to develop ASEAN Regional Qualification Framework in Southeast Asia. Many hold that an RQF will provide a reference point and translation grid for all qualifications throughout Southeast Asia and that it will be benefit employers, education providers, and job seekers to recognize qualification issued within the region. Others feel that the RQF will only function if all member countries recognize the benefits of it and support the initiation and the implementation whole-heartedly.
This research will be relevant to my research topic as it provides the information related to TVET field in Southeast Asian countries. My research would be discussing about the educational cooperation conducted between Indonesia and Thailand, particularly in vocational sector in its support to the quality improvement of human resources in both countries. Paryono (2013) clearly mentioned that TVET  plays important roles in (1) providing the skill sets required by enterprises and across national economies, (2) supports pathways into employment for young people, (3) strengthening mobility between occupations for experienced workers, and (4) supporting the development of new skills and assisting workers to be prepared to change or progress in their occupations/careers. Therefore the TVET conducted in the scheme of educational cooperation among countries regionally will have significant impact to the improvement of human resources quality, specifically in preparing themselves to welcome the ASEAN Economic Community. This research provides me information on how the TVET being conducted in ASEAN countries, where Indonesia and Thailand are parts of them.
According to Fernandez and Martinez (2009) in their article entitled “Employment Skills Strategies in Southeast Asia: Setting the Scene” described that ASEAN countries (except Singapore) have dual economies with dual labour markets and skill requirements. The modern sector must enhance its competitiveness on global markets while the traditional needs anti-poverty programmes focused on job creation and the development of skills that can support rural livelihoods. It is necessary that governments in the region should give attention to strategies that facilitate the transition of entrepreneurs and self-employed from the informal economy into the formal economy.
In their qualitative research, they found out that the youth unemployment rates in ASEAN developing countries are on average three to four times higher than adult unemployment rates. It can potentially lead to social and political instability, and furthermore can lead to erosion of the competencies acquired through education and training if these are not consolidated through practice in the work place. They believe that employment and skills development in Southeast Asia can be unpacked into 10 key issues;
1.    Strategies to create not only better but also more jobs in the region
2.    Reform the labour market institutions (LMI) which offer services like career guidance, information on employment opportunities, and employment services
3.    Examine the interaction between country approaches to skills development and country approaches to skills utilization to balance the provision of skills and the opportunities to use these skills.
4.    Governance of labour markets is of critical importance
5.    Poverty reduction for some of target groups; women, unemployed youth, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities and people living in rural communities.
6.    Growth of informal economy
7.    Migration and mobility both between and within countries is driving the need for increased skills portability
8.    Explore the impact of Free Trade Area (FTA)
9.    Industrial composition is fragmented
10. Lack of entrepreneurial development linked to productive activities
This article speaks mainly about employment skills strategies in Southeast Asia and discuss about the labour force migration and skills recognition among ASEAN countries. The ASEAN Economic Community 2015 requires high skilled labour forces which will compete one another in filling up the skills formation. My research will explore on the importance of improving quality of human resources by cooperating within the region in vocational education sector. Data and information provided by this article could be utilized to support my research in term of type of human resources quality that will be suitable in AEC 2015 and the efforts that should be done to improve the remaining human resources.
A paper entitled “ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) A Potential Game Changer for ASEAN Countries” written by Hansakul (2013) highlighted that the AEC’s envisaged launch at the end of 2015 will not only be an integration milestone but a potential game changer for ASEAN. The region’s diversity, ranging from advanced economies like Singapore to developing countries like Myanmar, could be a source of synergy, bringing the capital and more mature economies together with the competitive costs and abundant labour and resources of the less-developed member countries.
The launch of AEC was initially set for 2020 and subsequently moved forward to January 1, 2015. In November 2012 ASEAN leaders agreed to move the launch date again to December 31, 2015 in order to give member states more time to prepare for necessary regulatory changes.
Some of the findings stated on the article are the AEC Blueprint’s vision and goals, where the Economic Community would be focus on 4 characteristics;
1.    A single market and production base, where flows of investment, capital, and skilled labour will be facilitated and cooperation in sectors designated as priority integration sectors will be promoted.
2.    A competitive economic region which requires a regional standard in trade policy and for the business operating environment.
3.    Equitable economic development. ASEAN member states will strive to level the playing field as much as possible.
4.    Integration into the global economy. ASEAN strives to integrate itself better as a region into the global supply chain.
This paper provides an overview about AEC’s goals and main components, presents its progress review, and makes an educated guess at what can be expected to happen when AEC rolls out. It will be useful for me to map the role, the benefits and the challenges of AEC to the member countries, and then to develop the connection between the Technical Vocational Education and Training with the supply and demand of labour when Southeast Asia enters the AEC at the end of 2015.

2.2. Theoretical Framework
2.2.1.   Social Learning Theory
The Social Learning Theory proposed by Albert Bandura has become perhaps the most influencial theory of learning and development. It is a theory that believes people learn from one another through observation, imitation, and modelling. Bandura (1977) emphasizes that humans are active information processors and think about the relationship between their behavior and its consequences. Observational learning could not occur unless cognitive processes were at work. The model should motivate people to carefully listen, observe and pay attention to others to learn.
Social learning theory combines cognitive learning theory (which posits that learning is influenced by psychological factors) and behavioral learning theory (which assumes that learning is based on responses to environmental stimuli). Albert Bandura integrated these two theories and came up with four requirements for learning: observation (environmental), retention (cognitive), reproduction (cognitive), and motivation (both). This integrative approach to learning was called social learning theory.
One of the most famous experiments performed by Bandura is the famous bobo doll experiment. Children observed as adults modeled either violent or passive behavior towards the doll, and this observation was found to influence the manner in which the children subsequently interacted with the dolls. Children who observed violent behavior behaved violently toward the doll and vice versa.
The theory of social learning is relevant to this research as the cooperation between the two countries is in the field of education, particularly in vocational education where transfer of knowledge and skills will be involved. Teachers and students participated in the program will need to share and learn from their partners to improve the knowledge and skills in order to perform better in terms of quality improvement of human resources.

2.2.2.   Intercultural Communication Theory
Gerry Philipsen, a professor of communication at the University of Washington who specializes in intercultural communication, says that culture is not basically geographical. Nor is it essentially political or a matter of race. Philipsen describes culture as “a socially constructed and historically transmitted pattern of symbols, meanings, premises, and rules.” At root, culture isa code.
Toomey (1999) stated that Intercultural communication takes place when individuals influenced by different cultural communities negotiate shared meanings in interaction. Having sensitivity to intercultural factors is the key to success in casual or formal communication. When individuals from different cultural background become more intimate, their interactions typically move along the continuum from more intercultural to more interpersonal.
According to Wiseman (2003), the competent communicator is the person who can convey a sense of communication appropriateness and effectiveness in diverse cultural contexts.
The Intercultural Communication Theory would be relevant to my research as it defines a form of communication that aims to share information across different cultures and social groups, while my research will look more closely on the partnership between two different groups of people from different countries with different cultural backgrounds. How they adapt each other in aiming the same objectives would be viewed from intercultural communication perspective.

2.2.3.    International Communication Strategy Theory
Cambie and Mai Ooi (2009) explained that communication is not only about producing messages you want other people to hear. It is about understanding what moves the listener. And in order to be able to do that, you need to know the listener’s points of reference, their culture, their values, their ways of relating to the world. We can no longer expect people in other cultures to adopt the way we think and communicate.
Friedman writes that in order to thrive in the ‘Globalization 3.0’ era, individuals have to have ‘a certain mental flexibility, selfmotivation, and psychological mobility’.3 In other words they need to be highly creative. Communication is about creativity. This is why we believe that our time offers unprecedented opportunities for communicators.
This theory will be applicable to my research as one of the key success factors in the educational cooperation between nations is the ability to communicate internationally.

2.3. Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Conceptual framework of the research

This research would be best described by the above figure of conceptual framework. The figure were developed out of the facts found from the previous research, theoretical framework and literature review to address the research question, which is: to what extent could the human resources quality of Indonesia and Thailand be improved through the conduct of educational cooperation between the two countries in preparation towards the ASEAN Economic Community 2015.
In this context the theories that need to be explored are:
1.    Social Learning Theory,
2.    Intercultural Communication Theory, and
3.    International Communication Strategy Theory
The Social Learning theory and Intercultural Communication theory were chosen to as the most appropriate theories to be the base of the conduct of the educational cooperation between Indonesia and Thailand, while the international communication strategy theory provides the approach to the preparation of ASEAN Economic Community 2015 where the high skilled human resources would be one of the key success factors for the participating countries.  

ASEAN Economic Community Blue Print. (2008, January). Retrieved from
Cambie, Silvia & Ooi, Yang-Mai. (2009). Interntional Communications Strategy Development in Cross-cultural Communications, PR and Social Media. Philadelphia, USA: Kogan Page. Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/agung_na_ani/Downloads/[Silvia_Cambie,_Yang-May_Ooi]_International_Commun(
Griffin, Em. (2012). A First Look at Communication Theory (eight edition). New York, USA: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Hansakul, Syetarn. (2013, June 14). ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) A Potential Game Changer for ASEAN Countries. Deutsche Bank DB Research. Retrieved from
Martinez-Fernandez, Cristina & Powell, Marcus. (2009, November 6). Employment Skills Strategies in Southeast Asia: Setting the Scene. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Report. Retrieved from
Overview of ASEAN Education Ministers Meeting (ASED). Retrieved from community/category/overview-24
Paryono. (2013). Mapping National and Regional TVET Initiatives in Southeast Asia and Beyond in Response to Students and Labour Mobility. TVET Asia Online Journal Issue 1: Collaboration in TVET. Retrieved from
Ting-Toomey, S. (1999). Communicating across cultures. New York: The Guilford Press

Wiseman, R.L. (2003). Intercultural Communication Competence. In W.B. Gudykunst (Ed.), Cross-cultural and Intercultural Communication, 167-190. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

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